Friday, May 28, 2010

UK - Part 2, Windsor

We've had two great days in Windsor, my favourite town in England.

Day 1 was spent walking around the town getting bearings and checking best position for watching the Castle Guard march up from Victoria Barracks. Did the obligatory open to bus tour and got great views of Windsor Castle and Eton College.

Day 2...walked around to the barracks but was not hopeful of catching the Irish Guards in full regalia as we had been told the RAF was mounting guard....dammit!
Sure enough, out marched a mass of blue. That's not right!!!
We walked across the road to ask the Irish Guard at the gate if it would be possible to see inside the barracks and sure enough, he called on a slightly short, Nigerian born Irish Guard to show us around. Some changes have taken place inside since 1960 (!!) but it was great to see the general area. No married quarters inside the barracks any longer.

This afternoon we did a cruise on the River Thames and got great views of some very deisrable riverfront properties....well out of reach of the average budget!
Tomorrow we head off to bath and Longleat....perhaps I'll see some lions!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

UK and family - part one

Arrived at Gatwick airport after several delays at Rome end, glad to be in England. Met by little brother Mike and whisked briskly home to Westerham. A lovely little town....and a comfortable hotel for two nights. We met Shannon from school and had a very nice evening with Mike Debs and Shannon at their lovely cottage before a good night's sleep at the Kings Arms.

We did enjoy a real English breakfast this morning, nice not to have to eat another croissant!

We had a stroll around the town and then an afternoon with Mike in the garden where he arranged the insurance on his car so we could borrow it for the next few days.

What a delight Shannon bright and so pretty!

We'll head off in the morning to Windsor first and then head southwards towards Brighton and down towards Cornwall.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Arriverderci Roma!

Just a quick note.... off to airport soon for England.
Yesterday was very hectic.....booked a Vatican tour but couldn't connect with the tour guide so not happy but we managed on our own....lining up for about 45 mins to enter. Amazing inside. I didn't want to take photos, for two reasons.....they probably would not have come out very well with the varied light but also it didn't seem appropriate with all the chatter and flashes in this holy place. We bought a book! didn't tell me that to get to the Sistine chapel is such a long route through all the various museum rooms....we were overwhelmed with the beautiful frescoes, tapestries art work etc so when we reached the Sistine (about an hour after we entered) we really couldn't look up for two long as our necks were reaching screaming point!
Of course Peter had to do the "Eh Michael, whena you gonna finish?" gag.
On the way back to the Termini we hopped on the open top bus but sat inside while all the others on board raced for the top....premonition or just good luck?? we just wanted out of the sun but the rest were treated to a thunderstorm and heavy rain so two by two they retreated downstairs to really crowd the bus.
We did get wet walking swiftly to our hotel, refusing all the hawkers selling umbrellas and after drying off had dinner across the road again.
Roberto must have taken quite a shine to us (regulars that we are) and presented us with a bottle of wine and me my second continental (3) kiss.
Breakfast awaits... funny how they eat so much cake for breakfast! Looking forward to a full English or perhaps just proper toast tomorrow.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

For Anne and Enjo chicks

Who would have thought that in a tiny village in the swiss mountains, Poschiavo, we would come across a shop window with what looks exactly like Enjo products.....even down to the floor cleaner.

Question....which came first..... Jemako or Enjo?

Roma Day 1

Bella Roma!

Well our impression of Italy has taken a 180 degree turn!

We arrived in Rome this morning to a lovely hot day and after checking in to our B&B Giovy (fantastic reception....thanks Carolyn) we headed down to the Termini to board the open top bus for a two hour tour of Rome.
So the photos today are from the top of the bus.....tomorrow we are booked for the Vatican Tour.
We had a cappuccino at a handy Trattoria across the road from the hotel, a wine after the bus tour (after dropping in our laundry for washing, also across the road) and dinner tonight where we were treated as treasured regulars! Again, aperitif sparkling on the house, bruschetta...on the house and Limoncello....on the house! With the bottle of wine we ordered I was a little happier after dinner.......Bella Roma!!!

We walked to Santa Maria Maggiore after dinner to walk off a little of the Tiramisu and now I am catching up on the blog while Peter takes his shower. I am sure we'll have a better night's sleep tonight!

Firenze - Florence

Italy day 2 and 3

Another train ride and e arrive in Florence. A quick check with a poiliceman for directions and we found our hotel just down the road from the station.

Note to friends.....DO NOT STAY IN HOTEL MARTELLI!

Four out of five so far and I haven't done too bad with hotel selection. This hotel is very bad. Room certainly not up to online pictures.....stained wallpaper, lampshades, bedspread. Mould in bathroom. No glasses for drinks. Toilet wonky and leaking around pipes when sat on. Broken nights sleep due to generator outside window starting up every half hour. Front desk ain't bothered! To top it off, breakfast orange juice served in flimsy plastic cups....watered down.


Florence certainly an improvement on Venice. We did an open top bus tour on day one to take in all the sights. Walked around the Duomo later in the evening and had a lovely dinner in a nearby restaurant finishing with Tiramisu. Peter cheekily told the waiter it wasn't as good as mine!
After a sleepless night, we met our Tour guide Becky, a lovely English girl married to a local (with two small children) for our Tuscanyy in one day tour.

We saw Siena, San Gimignano and Pisa and lots of lovely Tuscan countryside. Included in the 12 hour tour was a delicious lunch in a vineyard overlooking San Gimignano with generous samplings of four different wines including a dessert wine to dip our biscotti into. Yum yum!

Becky gave us directions to one of her favourite restaurants in Florence so we headed there when we got back for dinner. As we had been given a substantial lunch we didn't really want a big dinner but with Becky being but a favourite of the restuarant owner we were plied with extras such as sparkling wine to start, a mousse thingy that I quickly passed over to Peter to eat for me and a limoncello for afters. We staggered back to our hotel (I'd much rather have slept at the station) for the last night before packing up to set off for Roma.

Florence .....good one!

Arriverderci Poschiavo - Buongiorno Venezia

We are in Rome today but as it's the first chance of decent internet connection I'll start with day 1 of Italy.... Venezia - May 21st.
Not a good start to the Italian leg of our trip. Apart from the general sadness of leaving Poschiavo and the excellent Swiss rail system, the journey from Poschiavo via Tirano, Milano, Venezia Mestre and then to Quarto d'Altino was bit traumatic. Not a good idea to start a rail adventure on Swiss trains and then to hit Italy....grot grot grot. Not going to moan too much about it but ask me when you see me!
Our hotel (Crowne Plaza) in Venice East was very nice. We dropped our cases and caught the train back into Venice proper for the evening. Somewhat underwhelmed by Venice!

Pretty dirty and covered in graffiti and rubbish for the most part. We did walk through some canals and crossed some bridges to arrive at quieter and cleaner streets/canals but the areas most tourists would venture into were pretty grim.

We decided next morning not to go back there but spent the morning rearranging clothes in suitcases (cooler clothing needed) and walked to the local post office to post the key Peter found in his pocket back to Hotel Suisse (Poschiavo), complete with large heavy metal key tag.

Next stop Firenze... Florence.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today we met with Pastore Antonio di Passa of the reformed church here in Poschiavo. He spoke very good English and was very happy to go through the church records with us searching for family. We found the Carisch family record with David Teodoro Carisch and his wife Domenica and children listed including Grandfather Giacomo.

We found David and Domenica's death records and will be meeting with the Cemetery custodian later this afternoon to see if we can find a burial site.

No luck with grandfather's death record but Pastore di Passa will ask for us in Brusio and email me later.

It was an amazing feeling to see the names recorded in the register.

Mission almost completed.

Photos hopefully to follow of the cemetery but just one of Otto Carisch, perhaps and uncle, born too early to be my Great Great Grandfather Otto Carisch but he was the Founder of the school here and was once the Pastore of Poschiavo.

Perhaps I am imagining it but I fancy I see a resemblance to Mum and her brothers Jack and Frank.

For Nicki and Phil

Just to bring back memories....they are still here!
Love Hotel Suisse. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Beautiful Poschiavo!

Well yesterday's journey from Lucerne to Poschiavo was the most beautiful scenic journey ever! The route from Lucerne to St Moritz was very lovely with views of snow covered peaks all around but once we hit St Moritz and changed trains to the Bernina line, we were totally amazed.
The train climbed up into the snow, high peaks all around. The descent into Valposchiavo via hairpin bends.

My first glimpse of Poschiavo made me feel a bit emotional. For years I have been dreaming about making this journey and was slightly envious of Nicki and Phil getting here first! To be in the birthplace of my Grandfather,
Giacomo Rudolfo Carisch is just wonderful.

After checking in at Hotel Suisse (pleasantly surprised at the standard of the room) we walked into the Piazza and had a drink in the sun at Caffe Semadeni.

It is strange that although we are still in Switzerland, there is a totally different feel. We still hear German spoken, (by the German Swiss visitors) but everyone else is speaking in Italian.....even Peter has had a go, "grazie and buon giorno"

I was up at 6am this morning taking a walk around the almost deserted streets, paying homage to my ancestors.

We've had a lovely breakfast and Peter has left me to blog (this time internet connection is free) and then we'll walk up to the town hall to try to check out some records. If I can find just one small piece of evidence of Grandfather's life here (I feel like Heidi, calling him Grandfather) I will be very happy.
Signing off for a while to go and explore.

PS the leg is fine!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mt Pilatus Trip

Today the weather cleared enough for us to take the round trip to Mt Pilatus. We started our journey with a 90 minute cruise on lake Lucerne to Alpnachstad. We then boarded the steepest cog railway in the world to ascend Mt Pilatus. A height of 2132metres above sea level. The train ride took 30 minutes and then we were in the snow!
Unfortunately, snow and ice can be a bit slippery and who should fall flat on her bum?? (Twisted my right leg and am now resting back at the hotel....but I digress) the photo of Peter and I in the snow was taken after the fall...note he is clutching me quite firmly

We had lunch in the self serve restaurant and bought a couple of souvenirs...a woolly hat for me for Alaska and a little present for Joe.

The way back down the mountain to Kriens was via cable car and then gondola. Great fun

It was a bit tricky walking back to the bus top to get back to Lucerne and then back to the hotel but a bit of ice on the leg, an anti inflammatory tablet and some nurofen gel....I should be fine!

Off to Poschiavo tomorrow, can't wait.

All in all, a very eventful day.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

For Ollie

This post is just for Ollie as we know you like fountains and marbles
Poppy made Nanna play with the water cannon even though she felt a bit silly
The other photos are of a huge marble tower. People can buy marbles made in the glass factory and take them outside to drop them into the really big marble slide. Just like the ones you make, only much bigger!
We did think of you when we saw it. :)
Love Nanna and Poppy

Sarnen - Family heritage

The weather in Lucerne and surrounds still terrible today and the trip up to Mt Pilatus cancelled due to ice on the tracks so we set off by train to Sarnen where my Great Great Grandfather, Otto Carisch was born.

It's obviously changed considerably since the early 1800s but still, the views up the hills must have been very much as it was in his day.

There was a street market on in the town square. Mostly edible items.

We walked what seemed miles in one direction looking for Sarnensee (the lake) before we found we were walking in the wrong direction. We had intended doing a cruise on the lake but when we did find it, the weather was not great for the views.

We headed back to Hergiswill to do a tour of the glass factory. Peter made me play on one of the water cannons. The things one does as a tourist!
Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be fine enough for the Mt Pilatus trip, if not, perhaps a cruise on Lake Lucerne.

We feel absolutely no guilt at all with all the delights we are sampling because we sure are walking off the calories!

So glad I did all that extra walking with Carolyn and Tayla to get the legs used to all this work.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello from beautiful Luzern

What a beautiful place Luzern is! We arrived by train about 11am and took a taxi to the hotel.....already fed up lugging suitcases around.
However, the staff at Drei Konige were very helpful and friendly and allowed us to leave our luggage here while we explored the Old Town. Still wintry cold and we probably looked like proper idiots dressed for Tassie weather.
We quickly found a shop to buy two very useful windproof, waterproof jackets. Will come in very handy when we hit Alaska.
Tomorrow we are heading off to see Mt Pilates and do a cruise on Lake Lucerne.
We're still having no trouble at all with the language as everyone (except the taxi drivers) speak very passable English.
A very nice bonus of staying in Switzerland is all the free chockies they leave us in hotel rooms!
Can't understand why the Swiss are not all overweight. We see them in the shops buying chunks of chocolate sold in slabs. And the cheese!! So much in one meal. we chickened out of the fondue last night but we will try one in the next few days. Rosti was delicious!
That's it for now. Have to search out somewhere for dinner.
Auf Wiedersehen
Jackie and Peter

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello from Zurich

Well after 36 hours travelling time with only four hours sleep, we arrived in Zurich. The only hitches along the way were almost missing our flight from London to Zurich because we were lounging about in the wrong terminal building and had a very hurried walk under the runway to terminal 5 to join the already boarding queue. Lucky we noticed there was hardly anyone else in the gate lounge and Peter thought to ask!

At Zurich airport, at Passport control, the Immigration official assumed because I was born in Germany that I should be able to speak German and going through Customs we were given a tough time importing chocolate to Switzerland when we declared we had some Tassies on board. (for family and friends when we hit England)

Had a nice surprise when we checked into the Marriott....we were upgraded to a Tower room. So much for Priceline customers being treated as second class customers. the staff here have been outstanding...very friendly...all speaking excellent English.

A lovely dinner last night in one of the hotel restaurants and then a good sleep.

Thursday, rain and cold. The hotel lent us an umbrella and we set off to explore the Old Town and take a water taxi cruise. A bargain at 2.80 CHF with our half price Swiss travel card.

Tonight we are going Swiss and having a fondue. Another kilo to walk off!

I'll add some photos and sign off. More news when we get to Lucerne. We've had little luck logging on to free internet (even in Maccas) so I have paid for an hour at the hotel.

Auf wiedersehen

Jackie and Peter