Monday, July 5, 2010

Great Great Grandfather Otto Carisch

P.S. Just finished digging further into the records online and piecing the puzzle together...Otto Carisch, Born Sept 28 1789 in Sarn Graubunden Switzerland. Pastor of the Swiss Reformed Church in Poschiavo from 1825 -37 and founder of the school there.
I have confirmed that he was married to my Great Great Grandmother, Maria Mini and is therefore my Great Great Grandfather.
I was right to think that there was a resemblance to Mum. Although we didn't find my Grandfather's burial place, I think the trip to Poschiavo was an amazing success. Not everyday one finds a picture of an ancestor from so long ago.
We have more digging to find out more about this man and our family. A return trip to Switzerland may be in order.....
To be continued??

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