Saturday, June 19, 2010

Alaska - day 2 - College Fjord

We awoke early to lots of ice. After breakfast we ventured striaght out of deck dressed like onions.....lots of layers.
I must say that even at this early stage it was becoming obvious which passengers were there for the scenery and the experience and which ones for the food. It was not exactly pleasant on deck....raining at times and more than a bit chilly but so hard to go below. Harvard Galcier was mesmerising. It seemed that we could not take our eyes of it for a minute as we were afraid of missing any major calving.......I did!!!
I had taken so many photos, I raced to the cabin to download onto the computer to free up camera disk space when I heard them all screaming along the deck. Peter saw the major calving but missed filming it....I felt the ship move with the force of the waves the ice caused. Dammit!
Kate, our expedition leader said it was a big one! yeah yeah
Anyway, later in the morning we did spot bald eagles, harbor seals, a humpback whale, loads of the cutest sea otters and Dall's Porpoises.
In the afternoon, we had a visitor....Oyster Dave. A man who has been living mostly alone in the area farming oysters. He arrived on his dinghy to give us a talk. A hard way to make a living but he loves to live in the area.
Most of the day as per usual we spent alternating between out on the freezing cold and back to the cabin to hang up coats to dry while having a cocoa and then getting out on deck again.
Had another nice dinner.....just finished a nice steak when the boat started rocking about a bit. A lot of people had exited the dining room during dinner....the rest of us gathered in the lounge for Kate's evening lecture...this time on the Exxon Valdez disaster. Waves were by this time crashing over the bow and it started to get very hot in the lounge. I just made it back to the cabin before being seasick for the very first time in my life. Dammit!
The Captain continued at full speed for a couple more hours and then slowed for those well enough to view some Steller's sea lions on a this time Peter had obtained some Dramamine for me and I felt a lot better.
He came to bed around 11pm and when I looked out of our window ( because we seemed to be going extremely slowly) found we were surrounded by lots of ice and fairly large icebergs from the Columbia Glacier.....magic! I slept further nausea or upchucking.
End of day 2

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