Tuesday, June 22, 2010


A long day..... we were outside our hotel waiting for our pick up at 7.15. All assembled at the Sheraton and set off at 8am for the long drive to Yosemite. It took almost 5 hours including the 30min stop for refreshments. Quite a scary ride as we got closer to to the park with the steep and winding road...I was sitting on the right side of the bus so got the worst view over the edge.
Once inside the park the views really became spectacular....huge granite rocks and waterfalls everywhere. The only way to describe the beauty of it all is to post lots of photos...judge for yourselves.
We had lunch in the shade and watched the little squirrels scamper around us begging for food. $100 fine if we did so we didn't!
After lunch we took the park open shuttle complete with park ranger for commentary around the park for nearly two hours. We definitely saw more than if we had tried to explore independantly.
On the way out of the park around 5pm we saw another black bear (this time a caramel fudge colour??) no photos but I have 25 witnesses that saw it too!
After the long drive home we arrived back in San Francisco around 9.30pm and headed out for a quick meal and a long sleep.
Oh, on the way to dinner we saw a beggar in a wheelchair and on the way back from dinner, the same man get up and push his wheelchair up the road....see miracles do happen!
A great day but I'm ready for home.

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